(iv) identify a partner of one of the member companies in the attribution network (engagement partner) (ii) a member who responds to offers or requests made from time to time by different users of professional services or organizations and to ensure professional work accordingly; (vi) Development of training materials for network members 9.0 In practice, a member of the Institute accepts the appointment as legal controller of the accounts of public sector/government companies and other public enterprises that have a turnover of Rs. 50 at least in a year in which he accepts other work or assignments or services relating to the same company/company that exceed the total amount of the royalty due for the performance of the legal control of the same company`s or company`s accounts. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) was established by the Indian Parliament and is a state-regulated accounting body that is responsible for all official accounting activities and financial audits in the country. She is also responsible for the accreditation of the audit profession in India. In addition, it is very important that ICAI portal companies follow a full and correct registration process for their membership and other prospects. I/We solemnly declare and confirm that the information provided is true and accurate with my knowledge and beliefs. It is specified that associations with a “network” as a means of intermediation of professional work are only allowed if the network is registered with the Institute, duly accredited representatives of the affiliate company/member of India resource.cdn.icai.org/24427announ14280.pdf who form the network with entities outside India present themselves to the Institute in the form of “D” for the listing of this network within 30 days of entering the network. 9.3 In cases where a regulatory authority imposes a rotation of companies, no member company of the network may accept an appointment of an accountant in place of a company that is a member of the network that is retiring. 1.8 Even if a company is not part of a network and does not use a common mark within its name, it may give the impression that it is part of a network when it refers to membership in a business association in its stationery or advertising equipment.