Future of Reading

IS1401 European Literacy Network

ELN stands for European Literacy Network.
This network is funded by COST Action IS1401 – Strengthening Europeans’ Capabilities by Establishing the European Literacy Network (ELN). Through this Action, reading and writing research communities across Europe are joining, integrating their findings, and aligning their agendas so that they can:

  1. develop an integrated and inclusive approach to foundational literacy across Europe;
  2. devise a comprehensive framework of developmental aspects of literacy and education in a digital world; and
  3. further improve literacy technologies.

IS1410 The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children

The fast pace of technological change has created a pressing demand for unified research networks to examine and respond flexibly to the learning potential of both existing and emerging communicative technologies. This includes wearable technologies, 3D printers, robots, augmented reality apps, toys and games and relevant aspects of the Internet of Things, all of which impact on the lives of young children. Children’s digital literacy skills as they engage with these technologies are important to recognize, foster and extend.

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