Future of Reading

Gerd Berget
Gerd Berget
WG Member – WG1
Position Paper

Since 2011 I have been working on research projects concerning dyslexics and how to make accessible search user interfaces. In this connection, I have conducted several eye-tracking experiments. One of the experiments investigated whether the inclusion of both textual and visual content may support dyslexics when reading and navigating through result lists in search systems such as library catalogues or web search engines. During this project, I have gained useful experience on how to design experiments that investigate whether dual-modalities may be beneficial or not for poor readers. I have got a better understanding of how layout and spacing between elements affect readability, and how the use of eye-tracking may reveal navigation difficulties in textual content. This experience may hopefully be relevant for others in the research group.

I am currently working on an eye-tracking project with the purpose of learning more about optimal text layout for dyslexics, with a particular focus on line lengths. Little work has been done in this area in general, and in Norwegian language in particular. It would be useful to be part of a network where I can share my experiences, expand my academic network, but also contribute with my knowledge from working with these issues to others, working with similar topics. I am also very interested in finding collaboration partners from other institutions in other countries.

Overall, I think my experiences with reading difficulties, such as dyslexia, and eye-tracking technology may be useful for the working group, and hopefully fit in with the academic profile of that group.

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